Art exhibition in Xi’an, China
I am exhibiting my three works as part of the international exchange art exhibition at the Civilian foreign exchange base in Xixian New Area, Shaanxi province, China.
Unfortunately, I cannot attend the exhibition, but I look forward to having contemporary art enthusiasts in Xi’an see my work.
[The first international exchange art exhibition in Shaanxi province, “where the silk road blooms”]
Date: 20 November 2023 – 30 December 2023
Place: Civilian foreign exchange base, yong tea picturesque area in Xixian New Area, Shaanxi,China
The silk road blooms in Shaanxi province organizing committee
The Xixian new area young tea cultural industry group Co.,Ltd.
展覧会名称: シルクロードが咲く、陝西省に出会い第1回国際交流芸術展
展覧会開催時間:(開始時間-終了時間): 11月20日~12月30日